Translation Consulting

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Managing localization for your company can be a significant task, extremely complex and very time consuming, especially when you are not a professional in this field.
We have a broad range of experience in various countries and their cultures. Our team members have an in depth knowledge of the complexities of working across national and cultural boarders.
Globalization has become today's norm for many industries. The new markets that need to be developed almost always have different languages but also cultures. Unfortunately, many companies underestimate the importance of localization.
Localization is the process of tailoring a product or service to a particular market with accurate linguistics and relevant cultural references. The desired outcome is to make a document, product or service acceptable to the target audience while maintaining full product integrity and presenting the right corporate image. Our localization specialists are able to assess your products and materials validity and readiness for such new markets. They will also be able to translate your materials into the adequate local language as well as take into account local customs and formats - multilingual desktop publishing and global design may be part of what will be required.
We are able to help you with all of this through our specialized team.

Project Management
Project management is essential to the success of any project no matter its size, content, or complexity.
We differentiate between Project Managers for pure translation activities and those who manage localization projects.
Our translation project managers ensure the correct and timely completion of the translation quality process flow and maintain communication with the translators and the clients.
Our localization project managers schedule and monitor the entire localization project components and activities, thus assuring clear communications to and from the client, our translators, proof readers and other members of the localization project. The localization project starts with scoping and mapping, followed by the execution of the projects. Continuous communication to avoid surprises is key.