Software & Website Localization

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Software Localization
Software destined for a larger market usually must be localized. Software localization is a highly complex activity which not only requires knowledge of the target language, but also an understanding about how the software is being structured in terms of its user interface, documentation, programming, and other factors.
Thus the process of localization for such software should start right at the beginning of the software development process to take into account certain localization and translation issues. This will most certainly reduce costs and will ease the effort associated with the future localization of the product for different foreign markets.
International software must be developed and coded such that it can easily adapt into different cultures and languages. This usually requires considering in parallel of three key elements - Internationalization, Localization and Technological Approach.
Internationalization in general is the development of a product or service in several languages. Software Localization mainly concerns itself with the graphical user interface, the on-line help and the documentation. The Technological Approach shall ensure that the software is being designed in such way that it will easily be adaptable to the specifics of the target countries in mind.
In addition, when translating software, it may also be necessary to localize additional aspects such as marketing materials and technical documentation. As all of these are strongly related to the content of your software, having them translated by one and the same professional organization is the optimal solution.
We are happy to explain to you the localisation process and to show you how you can bring your software in line with the requirements of your chosen specific target markets.

Website Localization
English language websites make just over 50% of the content available on the Internet. To be noted is that this percentage is shrinking every day.
Web content in languages Spanish and Chinese is growing around five times faster than content produced in English language. Also English is the primary language for only just under 30% of web users. Our website translation services can offer your company the opportunity to access some of the remaining global audience.
Translating your webpage is not always only to increase your international presence but it can also be required to address a large portion of your staff who primarily may speak a language other than English. In some cases international operating companies must translate certain internal documents to satisfy legal requirements of specific countries.
To actively support you, we can translate and localize your web presence.
Translating websites is a complex task. Deletion of individual key characters can render the webpage's functionality. Our experts use specialized software to review your web content and to separate translatable content from source code.
Translation of your website into another language always requires to maintain your brand message but also to appeal to audiences across different cultures. Thus automated translation can have significantly adverse effects on how your company is being perceived by your existing and potential customer base. We assign experts not only in a particularly required language but also to meet the needs to specific cultural needs.
Our experts ensure any required translations are completed in a linguistically and culturally appropriate way. All aspects such as vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, style but also level of speech are considered to make sure the language utilized appropriately reflects the culture and society aspects of the target audience.
Once the translation has been completed, layouts of the individual pages may have to be adjusted. In addition, images need to be carefully reviewed and potentially adjusted to not portray negative messages that may irritate or offend some page visitors unknowingly. Equally, symbols can have such effect in different international context or cultures. Examples may include skin, buildings, animals, vegetation, time, date, measurement, currency formats, colours and other elements. To adjust these elements forms all part of the localization process.
Localization and Quality Testing is being performed throughout and as last step prior to delivery to ensure both, functional performance and translation consistency and correctness.
Considering such complexity assigning this service to inexperienced people or an autonomous automated software has significant risk to create misunderstandings affecting relationships with your customer base, and hence your business success.
We are happy to explain to you the translation and localisation process and o show you how you can bring your webpage in line with the requirements of your chosen specific target markets.